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At The Yin Breath we honour beginnings, endings and everything in between. 


We honour the sweet sadness of death and grief, the rawness of despair, the slowness of the in-between, liminal spaces, the joy and difficulty of birth, and the ecstasy of blossoming.


We accept. We acknowledge. We honour. We breathe. We surrender. We transform. 


The Yin Breath provides a gentle and nourishing space where you can release the old and make way for the new. During a session, you’ll be encased in a warm embrace of love as your body takes you on a journey only you can traverse. You will be witnessed, held and supported to move through and release what is no longer needed so you can fully embody the incredible human you are here to be. 


Wherever you are, bring yourself, and I’ll meet you there.

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Life is in a constant state of change, of shedding, of releasing the old and stepping into the new. As humans we cannot escape the cycles of life and death, the seasons of the year and of our lives. But we can learn to work in harmony with them.


The Yin Breath works to help you bring more groundedness and awareness of the cyclical nature of life into your world, across the following modalities: Rebirthing Breathwork, Intuitive Embodiment, Vocal Sound Healing and Intuitive Writing.


My approach


My work combines Rebirthing Breathwork (Yin Breathwork) with vocal sound healing and intuitive work. Sessions are gentle yet powerful, and help people find their way back to balance using our most accessible tool: our breath!


In the short term, breathwork helps people get out of fight/flight/freeze mode to access calm and stillness within. In the long term, it can ease stress, anxiety, depression, reduce the severity of physical symptoms, and help people find clarity, direction and alignment with the lives they want to lead. I am currently training in mental health and I hold a compassionate, nurturing and non-judgmental space for people to drop into the wisdom that is contained within their own body.


I offer 1-1 and small group sessions in the Yarra Ranges and Yarra Valley (and online!)

My offerings

Rebirthing Breathwork

Rebirthing Breathwork is a gentle yet powerful form of conscious connected breathing designed to relax the body, clear old patterns and beliefs, release physical and emotional pain and trauma, and open us up to the richness of our internal worlds and lives. It is often referred to as the "Yin Yoga" of breathwork – it's more gentle and subtle than the "Yang" styles of breathwork, but it works powerfully on the body and at the subconscious/unconscious mind level.


In a Rebirthing Breathwork session, we'll work at the pace that is best for your mind, body and soul to support you on your journey. Together, we’ll co-create the medicine you need as you complete your current cycle, or prepare to step, leap or crawl into a new cycle. 


A Rebirthing Breathwork session runs for 2 hours, and can be done in-person or online. Small Group Rebirthing Breathwork sessions are also available (see Services page). 

Intuitive Embodiment

Intuitive Embodiment tunes us into those intuitive nudges we hear when we get quiet enough and helps us to ground them into practical pieces of wisdom, embodiment practices or stories to help us come to awareness, acceptance and understanding of where we are at in our lives.


In an intuitive guidance session we’ll work together energetically to explore particular issues or challenges in your life, and find different perspectives and sometimes ingenious solutions! The embodiment element is an important one, for knowing what needs to change is all well and good, but being able to implement that change is even better (and necessary, if we want to live an empowered and awesome life!) We’ll use movement practices, breath, sound, meditation and the medicine of nature to help ground your realisations into reality in your life.


Intuitive embodiment sessions are 90 minutes each and are available online (or in-person upon request).

Vocal Sound Healing

Vocal Sound Healing uses the vibration of sound to help our bodies relax and release tension and stress. 


A session will involve the use of powerfully-tuned instruments for healing and relaxation, including 432Hz crystal bowls, shamanic drum, tibetan bowls, Koshi chimes, percussion, and channelled vocals. 


I use vocals intuitively throughout a session to help clients shift and move energy, to activate and settle, to help clients reach altered states of consciousness and to encourage deep rest and relaxation. 


A 1-1 Vocal Sound Healing session runs for 60 mins and is held in-person. Group Vocal Sound Healing sessions are also available (see Services page).

Intuitive Writing

Intuitive Writing sessions allow space for the innate creator within you to awaken and express itself. We all have within us a dancer, writer, singer, painter… if we only know how to coax them out! In an intuitive writing session, we’ll work together intuitively and creatively to encourage your inner artist to bloom and blossom. We’ll celebrate mistakes and create pathways to future works of art, creative fun and bliss!


Intuitive Writing sessions can be 1-1 or in small groups, in-person or online. On pause for now, returning in the second half of 2024.

Book an Appointment

Book a face-to-face or online appointment with The Yin Breath

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"Such a beautiful human being to walk with through this experience. I felt held, cared for and I’m so grateful for our connection and growth. Digging deep into emotions and figuring out what gold the depths hold was transforming to say the least!
You have a true gift to see people’s souls"

- Bec G

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The Yin Breath is located on the lands, waters and skies of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung and Boon Wurrung People of the Kulin Nation. We acknowledge that the traditional custodians of this land have been breathing, living and creating ceremony on this land for tens of thousands of years,


We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded. This always was, always will be, Aboriginal land.

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